3 min readJan 5, 2021


Hello everyone! Are you incoming senior high student? Are you still in doubt to what strand you will going to choose? Well, this blog is for you. This will give you clues about choosing the right strand, choose HUMSS! Be one of the HUMANISTA FAM.


-HUMSS stands for Humanities and Social Sciences. It is one of the strands offered to Senior High students. This strand is for learners who aim to take up journalism, communication arts, liberal arts, education, and other social science-related courses in college. The HUMSS strand revolves around improving a student’s reading, writing, and speaking skills because if you haven’t noticed yet, people who choose this strand are aspiring to become members of the society who will be dealing with a lot of people (Apolinario, 2019)


  • Enhance your speaking skills and social skills.
  • Boost your self-confidence.
  • Improves your writing skills, reading and comprehending.
  • Introduces you to various skills in the world.
  • Strengthen your logical thinking.
  • Teach you many fundamental skills such as critical thinking, analysis and creativity.
  • Enlighten us about the happenings to our surroundings.
  • Develops the ability to question, solve problems and make decisions in life.

As a student who have chosen a strand of HUMSS, I would like to share my personal experience as a Humanista. First of all, I’m in doubt to what strand I would choose in senior high but in the end, I choose HUMSS. In the beginning of my experience, I struggle to deal with the different types of things especially that I’m lacking of speaking skills and social skills because I am an introvert person but later on, HUMSS trained me on how to improve myself in terms of socializing people. HUMSS witnessed my failure and success throughout my journey and help me to stand up.

I have discovered much different knowledge that I haven’t meet before. It additionally made my mind sharper to the new areas that I have learned about this strand. All of the learning that I have discovered develops my intellectual aspects as I thoroughly studied about it.

So, here are some of my clues on why incoming senior high school student must choose HUMSS:


- Stepping into a new stage to a new subject. All of the subjects in HUMSS especially the major subjects are all interesting. It will catch up your attention that this subject is really great and will lead you to a new area of knowledge.

2.You will not get bored.

- Beside the subject is interesting, it also introduce you to new different aspects of knowledge and by this, you’ll open up your mind throughout the lessons.

3.Building you to a new self.

- It means, it will build your confidence, critical thinking and your skills.

4.Expressing freedom.

- You were able to express your opinions, thoughts, ideas and views to your lessons.

5.Learn many different things.

- As what I have mentioned above about the there are a lots of benefits you can get. It will enhance your speaking skills, social skills, writing, reading and comprehending, boost your self-confidence, strengthen your logical reasoning and critical thinking.

If you are incoming senior high school student, you need to choose your strand wisely and heartily not just because, you want to be where your friends are. You need to be independent, in order for you’re to learn and discover new areas around you. Always remember, reaching your dream is important among all things especially that we are facing a pandemic. So, what are you waiting now? Choose HUMSS!!!

